This series explores the public critique of private parts. Leggings and pants with a large amount of stretch have become mainstream daily wear for women. In keeping with hegemonic convention, most people (consciously or not) continue to police women’s bodies no matter what they wear, whether they cover up too much or too little.
Society is accustomed to seeing the outline of breasts, but when the outline of a vulva is present, it is occasion for ridicule. While it is rarer for men to wear tight pants, when they compete at the highest athletic level, there is focus on the outline of their testicles in their specially-designed uniforms rather than on their great accomplishments.
Whether these reactions are a result of American society which is simultaneously highly sexual and prudish, or dissatisfaction with one’s own body image, it is hard to tell, but it is certainly an eye-opening dichotomy that is both public and private.
Cameltoe and Mooseknuckle were shown at the Whitdel Arts exhibition CROTCH: Contested Territory from Dec. 4, 2015 - Jan. 23, 2016.
Mooseknuckle was featured in the Winter 2016/2017 issue of the Surface Design Journal